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    Search Results for Legal

    12 matches have been found.

    • Ask Izzy

      Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people who are in crisis with the services they need right now and nearby.

      Contact: https://askizzy.org.au/

      Urgency Level: Urgent Help, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Complex Case Support

      One on one complex case support for clients with multiple barriers, consisting of work with mental health, physical health, family violence, counselling, family relationships, children and....

      Contact: (03) 9731 3000

      Urgency Level: Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Crisis Help Network: Melbourne Homeless Service

      The Crisis Help Network is the response of an Individual trying to access current and reliable information that would help with such  issues as accommodation, food,....

      Contact: Website 24/7

      Urgency Level: Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Department of Social Services - DSS

      We aspire to be Australia’s pre-eminent social policy agency. Our mission is to improve the lifetime wellbeing of people and families in Australia.


      Contact: 1300 653 227

      Urgency Level: Urgent Help, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Disability Discrimination (Human Rights Commission)

      Our Vision:

      Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday

      Our Mission:

      Leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia by:

      • making....

        Contact: 1300 656 419

        Urgency Level: Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Police (Werribee)

      This station offers full police services, and has a Family Violence Unit on site. A Justice of the Peace can also be accessed at this location.

      Please note: The nearest SOCIT is....

      Contact: (03) 9742 9444

      Urgency Level: Urgent Help, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Police (Wyndham North)

      This station offers full police services. Please note that the Family Violence Unit and a Justice of the Peace can be accessed at the Werribee Station.The nearest SOCIT is located at....

      Contact: (03) 8734 1100

      Urgency Level: Urgent Help, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Werribee Magistrates Court

      The paramount duty of courts remains the impartial administration of case-by-case justice. The Court also has an important responsibility for delivering high quality registry services. The Court....

      Contact: (03) 9974 9300

      Urgency Level: Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Wyndham North Police


      Contact: (03) 8734 1100

      Urgency Level: Urgent Help, Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Youth Law Australia

      The website dedicated to providing legal information to children and young people in Australia.

      Contact: 1800 950 570

      Urgency Level: Some Help, Just Curious

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    • Youth Law Clinic (Western Community Legal Centre)

      Free legal advice, representation, education, participation and projects for young people.

      Contact: (03) 9749 7720

      Urgency Level: Some Help, Just Curious, Urgent Help, Direct Help

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    • Youth Lawyer (West Justice)

      WEstjustice provides free legal help to people in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. We can help with a broad range of everyday problems. Please call (03) 9749 7720 to find out more about our....

      Contact: (03) 9749 7720

      Urgency Level: Some Help, Just Curious

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